John 6:15 - "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself."
I want to blog on this verse in the next few days ,interested in your thoughts about it first
December 31, 2007
The Peril Of Success
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
December 18, 2007
Great Quote
"To many church's are majoring on being relevant ,while minoring on being reachable."
Jeremy Sargent
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
Great Quote
“The world will never starve for lack of wonders, but only for lack of wonder”.G.K. Chesterton
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
December 14, 2007
Leadership Challenges Part 3
This is part 3 on Leadership Challenges
8. Strained Family
When a Young Lion does something, they do it full-tilt-boogie (all the way). This can many times put pressure on the wife and kids, especially if the lion is used to living a college lifestyle; up early, going hard all day, up late, making stuff happen, taking all the little jobs. In the early days of a church, the pastor usually does everything, and the family may suffer.
9. No Margin
Everything is about building the new church, so exercise, reading, relaxing, dates with your spouse, close community with friends, and time with nothing planned become obsolete. Young Lions like to have every day packed with productive things to do so we can end the day and say “…that was a good day, look at all I accomplished.”
10. Losing The First Love
From personal experience, I can say that all of the creativity and energy that Young Lions have penned up inside their hearts and heads can distract them from the main thing; staying connected to the Vine. In John 15, Jesus made it clear that if we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit, but apart from Him, we can do nothing. NOTHING.
Young Lions must not forget that we are called first to Christ, not success or church planting or executive decision-making. He must always remain our first love. Just wanted to share a post with you by Clayton King founder of Crossroads Worldwide Ministries about the potential pitfalls and dangers "Young Lions" face in ministry.
Its been helpful hasn't it?
Interested in your comments
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
Challenges of Leadership Part 2
Part 2 of "Young Lions"
4. Sense of Invincibility
To quote Travis Tritt, Young Lions sometimes feel “10 foot tall and bullet proof” without realizing that it takes 5 seconds to destroy with it took 20 years to build. Each of us is susceptible to any and all temptations without the grace of God and the protection of our brothers and sisters.
5. Theological Ignorance
I have heard this one so many times…”Don’t bore me with theology, let’s get busy reaching people for Jesus!” Sure. Sounds cute and epic. But that is the fastest way to build a really big church fast, and then watch it fall apart even faster. All that we do is based on theological beliefs. We must be as deep as we are wide.
6. Isolation
Based on a fear of confrontation or being rejected by others, Young Lions often seal themselves off from the voices and opinions of others. We don’t need a committee for every decision, but we need clarity and wisdom. Proverbs says these come from wise counsel. We do not get that when we role solo.
7. Constant Comparison
With so many new churches sprouting up and so many nationally known pastors and ministries on the map, it becomes a struggle to not always look to them and ask why you are not as big, edgy, innovative, creative, post-modern, hip, or cool, or why you have not yet written a book on church planting or the emerging church. This type of comparison can possibly be a result of insecurity or a result of being too busy to get a clear word from God about the direction HE wants you to take your church. Model, don’t copy.
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
Challenges of Leadership
Just wanted to share a post with you by Clayton King founder of Crossroads Worldwide Ministries about the potential pitfalls and dangers "Young Lions" face in ministry. Its another 3 part series.Enjoy.
1. Extreme Zeal
Is this always bad? Not always, but it can lead to a stressed lifestyle where the church becomes a means to an end, i.e. building a successful church in youthful zeal makes you feel like a success. God builds His church with or without us. The goal is not success, it is faithfulness to the end.
Ministry is a marathon, but Young Lions don’t understand that yet. They (we) treat it like a sprint, end up fatigued too early in the race to finish, and quit or disqualify themselves before the finish line.
3. Lack of Perspective
Young Lions have yet to make all the mistakes, meet all the people, listen to all the conversations, read all the books, reflect on all the mess-ups, and pay attention to all the warnings that they eventually will. Only time (year stacked upon year of hard ministry) can bring this.
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
Advoiding Pitfalls- Part 3
Last of the 3 points today on the subject of advoiding pitfalls Hope its been as helpful to me as its been to you Jeremy
7. Live modestly and give extravagantly.
In a few more years the selfish, money-focused doctrines that tainted charismatic churches in the 1980s and 1990s will be gone. God is bringing balance and correction to a message that has encouraged greed. I do not know Texas pastor Robert Morris personally, but he has become a long-distance mentor to me in the financial area. His book The Blessed Life has redefined how we charismatics should view money. Bottom line: We don’t give to get, even though we know God blesses generosity. We give to give.
8. Don’t build your own kingdom.
In the previous season leaders got away with naming their ministries after themselves. That will not work today. The one-man show is over. Leadership today is about building a team. Those who think they can “do it all”—and take all the credit—will end up with meager results when their work is tested by God’s fire.
9. Develop keen discernment.
The devil is on the prowl, and we can’t afford to be ignorant of his schemes. Leaders must develop an early warning system if we expect to survive. You must develop a team of watchful intercessors who are committed to praying for you. Those whose ministries are crashing and burning today most likely ignored prophetic counsel from people who saw disaster coming.
10. Maintain your spiritual passion.
People who experience moral failure almost always lose their spiritual passion first. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not just a one-time encounter. Because we “leak,” we need to be refilled and recharged regularly. We will burn out quickly if we don’t stay plugged into the Source. The man who led me to Christ, Barry St. Clair, taught me to have a daily appointment with God
.I try to guard my time in prayer and Bible study because I know I can’t give what I don’t have. The more I read His Word, the deeper and stronger it grows inside me, providing daily revelation of the Savior—and giving me more and more reasons to make Him my magnificent obsession.
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
Advoiding Pitfalls Part 2
4. Stay in touch with the real world.
Ministry is about loving people. (Duh!) But you will never develop compassion unless you are close enough to the grass roots to smell the poverty, lay hands on the sickness and cry with those who are in pain. The days are over when preachers can arrive in limousines to announce salvation. The Lord is requiring all His servants to come down to earth.
5. Don’t allow people to make you a celebrity.
Before Jesus began His ministry, the devil showed Him the kingdoms of the world and offered Him fame and fortune. The enemy of your soul will try to cut you a similar deal. Resist every urge to become a star. Don’t let people put you on a pedestal. If the spirit of entitlement is seducing you, humble yourself and wash some feet. That is what true ministry is about.
6. Make family a priority.
We have crusaded against abortion and gay marriage, yet at the same time many in our movement have neglected their spouses and children. People need to know that what we preach works at home. The Bible makes it plain: “But if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?” (1 Tim. 3:5, NASB). If we enforced this one biblical principle today, most of the shenanigans happening in charismatic leadership would end overnight.
Part 3 tommorow.
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
Advoiding pitfalls
Recently a young pastor wrote J. Lee Grady, editor of the Charismatic/Pentecostal magazine Charisma and asked how he might avoid the pitfalls that other leaders have fallen into.
After all no one starts out planning to ruin their lives in a moral scandal. Grady gave some great advice which I am posting here. There are 9 so I am going to do this over 3 postings. To allow readers to digest and think about it All young leaders please read this, meditate upon it and put into action.
1. Live a humble, transparent life.
Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean you don’t have issues. You are a flawed, broken individual who has experienced the miracle of God’s mercy. Resist the temptation to live in denial about your weaknesses. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Stay in close relationship with mature mentors and trusted peers who know your temptations, insecurities and any past addictions. Confess your sins to God and to your inner circle regularly.
2. Stay open to correction.
Many of those whose ministries are imploding today either worked in isolation or they surrounded themselves with yes men. As your ministry grows, increase the number of people who speak into your life.
If your colleagues are rubber-stamping everything you do, consider that a warning sign. If they tell you they can’t correct you because you are either authoritarian or subtly controlling, take a sabbatical and get counseling immediately.
3. Audit your actions regularly.
God watches the way we handle the little things. Are you telling the truth? Are you mishandling ministry finances? Are you “fudging” in any area of sexual purity? Do you have checks and balances set in place so that you always comply with the law?
God sees every Web site you visit, every personal expense you charge to your ministry account and every exaggeration (i.e., lie) you put in your newsletter.
Interested in your comments about this
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
December 11, 2007
Great Book
I love the below paragraph from the book I am reading at the moment called ‘The Church Of Irrestible Influence” by Robert Lewis
It’s a very good book, insightful, inspiring and practical.
I love the church of Jesus Christ. I love the truth it stands for. I love the life it alone can give. Despite it shortcomings due to the open arms it offers sinners, it still remains the greatest force on earth for good.
Nothing else is like it or can match it, especially when it is healthy.It alone possesses the supernatural message of truth that can transform the worst of humanity in a instant, while unleashing the best of it over a lifetime.
Love it
Interested in your comments
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
December 7, 2007
Bula Fiji
Wow what a place, what an experience.
Glad I saw the many sides of Fiji, people who visit Fiji and only stay behind the four walls of the resort must miss out on experiencing true Fijian culture
I loved the rawness of the country, untouched by the many so-called advances of the modern world.
It was nice to step back in time, when life was without cell phones, internet, when people chatted to each other face to face rather than through a virtual world.
As you travel through life you find out that there are many things that divide people ,race,languaue,social and economic status to name a few.
But one language is universal, and that language crosses over every cultural, ethnic and social barrier ,the language of love.
They say people often forget what you say, sometimes they forget what you do, but the never forget how you make them feel.
Vinaka Fiji ,I certainly am a better person for the experience
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
November 23, 2007
I will be taking the next week of from Blogging as I will me overseas with Amanda,we are going to Fiji to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.
Yes that's right 10 years ago on the 30th November 1997 , as a fresh faced 24 year old I pledged my wedding vows before God and others to Amanda.
And what I said back then ,I also say now with much deeper conviction.To know her just as a friend would be a privilege ,to have her as my wife , to have her as my helpmate and loyal companion is like a wonderful dream that you just don't want to wake up from.
I can honestly say that she is the greatest example of a Proverbs 31 women I know.
Thanks for the last 10 years Amanda
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
November 22, 2007
I am taking a break from blogging for a few days,as I am heading away for a overseas trip
While their I want to take the time to do a personal stock-take on the last 12 months,by asking myself these following questions.
The ten questions leadership guru John Maxwell regularly asks himself provide a helpful springboard for a self-audit …
1. Am I investing in myself? This is a personal growth question.
2. Am I Genuinely Interested In Others? This is a motive question.
3. Am I Doing What I Love and Loving What I Do? This is a passion question.
4. Am I Investing My Time with the Right People? This is a relationship question.
5. Am I Staying in My Strength Zone? This is an effectiveness question.
6. Am I Taking Others to a Higher Level? This is a mission question.
7. Am I Taking Care of Today? This is a success question.
8. Am I Taking Time To Think? This is a leadership question.
9. Am I Developing Leaders? This is a legacy question.
10. Am I Pleasing God? This is an eternity question
Interested in your comments
Gods strength and blessings on your life while I am away
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Another thought on Character
"The greatest tradgedy in christian leadership is when a leaders giftings is wanting to take them further than their character is willing to follow"
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
November 20, 2007
Great Minds
Awesome Quote
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
Character is not what a person will be in the future. Character is what a person is at this present time. Pressure reveals the way a person really is.
Character is not how a person acts. Character is also how a person thinks, their motives and attitudes. To change one’s character one must go deeper than actions.
Character does not appear without pressure. A person’s true character surfaces when the heat is on.
Character is not just what people can see. Character is what other people do not see. Works are not always the sign of a good character. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.
Character is not limited to having wisdom to comment on the behavior of others. Intellectually knowing how to act, think and feel consistently with Bible principles may be a far cry from actually living in harmony with those principles.
Character is not limited to relationships between Christians. How a person interacts with unbelievers also demonstrates their true character.
Character is not limited to a person’s relationship with their spiritual family. It also shows in how he treats his natural family.
(Thoughts from Frank Damazio’s book 'The Making of a Leader')
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
Salvation or Sandwiches
Bill Hybles, who pastors one of America’s largest churches, Willow Creek, was asked whether he thought it was more important for Christians to provide the hungry with salvation or a sandwich.
I liked his response …
“One of the great joys of my life has been to pastor a church that is unusually intentional about reaching people far from God. For 32 years now, I have had a front-row seat to observe how lost people get found and how found people get grown up. In my experience, the sandwich question is irrefutably answered as the Holy Spirit does his sanctifying work in the heart and mind of a freshly-redeemed person. What I mean by that is in virtually every case, when I see a life get transformed by the atoning work of Christ, it is not long before that new believer sees the plight of the poor.
"Usually within months of a person's salvation experience, there is both a sincere desire to pass on the message of Christ to any and all, and an equally intense desire to do whatever is necessary in the name of Christ to eradicate injustice, relieve oppression, and alleviate suffering of any kind. Selfless service of this sort isn’t normal according to human nature; purely and simply, the desires are born out of the work of the Holy Spirit.
"My point is that if new Christ-followers were not misguided by those who force an either-or mindset to the sandwich question, I am quite sure that the Holy Spirit himself would lead them eventually to adopt a both-and approach.
"In my teaching and leadership over the past several years, I have relied on two words to help keep our congregation at Willow Creek balanced on these issues: redeem and restore. I love how those two words fall phonetically, but more important, I love how they fall theologically. There’s nothing better than to see new believers around our church begin to weave those words into their everyday vocabulary; better still is when they begin to live them out in their everyday lives.”
I love it!
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Evangelism
November 16, 2007
One Liners
1.The will of God will never take you where the grace of God wont protect you
2.When does faith kick in ,at the end of our reach
3.Some minds are like concrete thoroughly mixed up and permantely set
4.The Task ahead is never as great as the Power behind us
5.I would rather be a wet walker walker than a dry boat talker
6.I would rather be a amateur eagle than a professional chicken
7.Today’s strutting peacocks can easily become tomorrow’s feather dusters."
8.Promotion doesn’t come from the east or the west it comes from God but it comes through people
9.Ministry that impresses heaven and ministry that impresses earth are polls apart.
10.Humility is not thinking less of yourself its thinking of yourself less
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: One Liners
Its Better to Prepare than Repair
Recently National Geographic ran an article about the Alaskan bull moose. The males of the species battle for dominance during the fall breeding season, literally going head-to-head with antlers crunching together as they collide.
Often the antlers, their only weapon are broken. That ensures defeat. The heftiest moose, with the largest and strongest antlers, triumphs. Therefore, the battle fought in the fall is really won during the summer, when the moose eat continually. The one that consumes the best diet for growing antlers and gaining weight will be the heavyweight in the fight. Those that eat inadequately sport weaker antlers and less bulk.
There is a lesson here for us. Spiritual battles await. Satan will choose a season to attack. Will we be victorious, or will we fall? Much depends on what we do now—before the wars begin. The bull-moose principle: Enduring faith, strength, and wisdom for trials are best developed before they’re needed.
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Illustrations
November 9, 2007
Great Quote
I love John Maxwell categorization of defining moments.
He said defining moments are ground breakers when you set a new direction in your life, heart breakers that force you to rearrange your life, cloud breakers when you see with greater clarity and chart breakers when you break through limitations that have held you back
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
Jesus or Barabbas
I preached this twice recently, the second time it was spoken in English and translated into Cambodian.Here is an outline of the message
When God created Adam he gave Adam a garden, with it came instructions not just to tend the garden but to transform the garden , not just to maintain it but to modify it.
It the same with us today when he describes us as Salt, Light, he is saying we are people who are agents of change, people who are on this earth to make a difference. To live a life of significance, of influence and power.
I firmly believe that how much of this, we will actually become depends a lot on how serious we take this below verse.
Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.Mark 15:15
We are just like Pilate, we are in the same position faced with the same question.
For Pilate it was a case of who was he going to release into the crowd and who was he going to keep.For us its what are the things we need to keep hold of and what are the things we need to let go?
And it is a constant question, a constant choice, a constant place we find ourselves in as we walk through this journey of life, what are the things we need to let go of in life and what are the things we need to keep hold of.
We need to let go of the past, of resentment, regret, we need to let go of unforgiveness, low expectation, lordship over our own life
We need to keep hold of Gods promises, Gods truth, Gods Love, We need to keep hold of hope. We need to keep hold of one another
In your own personal life, which is getting the victory, what are you setting free and what are you holding on to.
What is you’re “Barabbas”, what does that represent in you? What is that “something” that you know runs rampant in you at the ultimate expense of your relationship with Jesus?
What is your Jesus and what does that represent to you?
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
November 8, 2007
This is the best definition of Sanctification I have ever heard
Its what happens when Jesus takes us out of the world,takes the world out of us and then sends us back into the world to make a difference
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
November 7, 2007
Breakthrough Evangelism
I love the story in Mark chapter 2 about the 4 men carrying the person to Jesus on a stretcher
I used this story recently in a message I gave to highlight five attributes of people that bring others to Jesus. Here are some of my thoughts
Attribute 1# They understand you can't hide the presence of God
Mark 2vs 1
Jesus states our role as Christians is a transformational one Salt and Light
In the same way that salt is not designed to stay in a shaker,the church is never meant to be insular from the world .We are Gods hands and feet on the earth and we need to be seen and felt in the trenches of human experience .
God does not want his church to play hide and seek with the world where we hide and they seek us he wants us to play seek and save with the world where we seek them and he save them .
The unchurched have a deep awareness of God ,especially in a crisis.However they do not have an awareness of the church.When the unchurched think God they don't think church.To them the God of heaven has no earthy address.But the church is gods address on earth
That's why when my mate went through a painful marriage breakup,he went to his Mum for her purse ,his mates for the pub and me for prayer,because to him I am the church.
The truth is we are light ,some days you may feel you are a 30 watt, some days a 60 , or 100 watt bulb,it doesn't matter your light will shine, don't hide it
Attribute 2#They preach the gospel
Mark 2vs 2
In John 1:14 it says Jesus was full of grace and truth
Grace says I will love you no matter what, I call this influence
Truth says I will speak the truth no matter what, I call this evangelism
Jesus was the perfect combination of both and made this clear when he chose the passage of Luke 4:18-19 to describe his mission and his ministry
The Apostle Paul was as "eager to remember the poor" as he was as "eager to preach the gospel" .
By themselves grace and truth are dangerous
Grace without truth or influence without evangelism can be Christianity without a backbone, goodness without God
Likewise truth without grace or evangelism without influence can be Christianity without a heart , God without goodness.
As Christians we can influence many unchurched people but I don’t want to influence all and evangelise none. Influence is good, its necessary ,it’s kingdom, it’s salting, it’s touching people’s lives, but it’s not necessarily evangelism
No doubt there are many people in Hell who were influenced by the church but never evangelised. I don’t want to just influence my community, my work colleagues, school friends or neighbours; I also want to share Christ with them.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Evangelism
Great Quote
"Until the future of the world matters more to the church than the future of the church..the church has no future."
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Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
One liners
I love collecting one liners ,short and sharp statements that make a point stand out . Here are some that I like
1."The work of the Lord can never become more important than the Lord of the work.
"2 "If you don't live by priorities you'll live by pressures."
3 "If your output exceeds your input, then your upkeep will be your downfall."
4 "The job of the pastor is not to meet everybody's needs but to make sure everybody's needs are met."
5 "It's sad to see men and women who signed up to become fishers of men settling down and becoming keepers of aquariums."
6""A missionary is not one who crosses the sea. A missionary is one who sees cross the fence.
7 "God doesn’t call the qualified he qualifies the called
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: One Liners
November 3, 2007
Be a Conducter not an Insulator
On January 21, 1930, the name of Harold Vidian became synonymous with heroism. On that day, England’s King George V was scheduled to give the opening address at the London Arms Conference.
The king’s message was to be sent by radio all around the world.A few minutes before the king was to speak, a member of the CBS staff tripped over an electrical wire and broke it, cutting off the whole American audience. With no hesitation, chief control operator Harold Vidian grasped one end of the broken wire in his right hand and the other in his left, thus restoring the circuit. Electricity surged through his body.
Ignoring the pain, Vidian held on until the king had finished his address.
I see in this a challenge for Christians. The message of the King of kings must go to the whole world. But only as we allow God’s power to pass through us can the Lord’s saving gospel be transmitted.Paul wrote, "How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?" If we are willing to serve as conduits, regardless of the cost to us, the good news will be proclaimed around the world.
In the Classic book by Dr. Seuss…Green Eggs and Ham. Sam I am wanted his friend to eat Green Eggs and Ham.If Sam had been of a "take it or leave it" type Christian than when his friend said, "I do not like them Sam-I-Am, I do not like green eggs and ham." then Sam would have said, "OK. No problem" and that would have been the end of the story.
Sam would have happily gone on his way and his friend would never have experienced the joy of eating green eggs and ham. But no, Sam wasn't content to take no for an answer. Luckily for his friend, Sam perservered and kept on trying; because he new how important it was that his friend make the decision to try green eggs and ham.
We need to be Sam I am's
We must allow the power to flow through us if it is going to do any good.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Evangelism
Great quote
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt(American 26th US President)
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Quotes
November 2, 2007
Walking on Water
John Ortberg in his book "If you want to walk on the water ,you have to get out of the boat" highlights several principles from Peters experience in matthew 14 ,and uses other examples in scripture to show us that their is a consistent pattern that people go through ,when they step out in faith to experience more of the power and the presence of God
1.There is always a call.
God asks an ordinary person to engage in an act of extraordinary trust, that of getting out of the boat.
2.There is always fear.
God has a habit of asking people to do things that are scary to them.
It may be a fear of inadequacy (“I am slow of speech and slow of tongue,” Moses said
It may be a fear of failure “The land we explored devours those who live in it, cried the spies sent out to the Promised Land”.
It may even be a fear of God (“For I knew you were a hard man, seeking to reap where you did not sow,” claimed the servant in Jesus parable.
But one way or another, their will be fear.
3.There is always reassurance.
God promises his presence (the Lord is with you, Mighty warriour!”An angel assures Gideon who had certainly never been addressed by that title before).God also promises to give whatever gifts are needed to fulfil his assignment (“I will help you to speak, and teach you what to say” he tells stuttering Moses)
4.There is always a decision.
Sometimes, as with Moses and Gideon, people say yes to Gods call .Sometimes, as with the 10 frightened spies, or the rich young ruler who spoke with Jesus, they say no. But always people must decide.
5.There is always a changed life.
Those who say yes to Gods call don’t walk the walk perfectly –not by a long shot .But because they say yes to God ,they learn and grow even from their failures .And they become part of his actions to redeem the world .
Those who say no are changed to .They become a little harder ,a little more resistant to his calling ,a little more likely to say no the next time .What ever the decision it changes a life –and it changes the world that little life touches
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
3rd "Gut Check Question"
#3 - Am I Understanding How Big God Is?
In the book of Matthew chapter 16 Jesus states he has given the church authority and influence to build and to advance his Kingdom on earth but to what decree that this will be done is wrapped up in the question he asks to Peter “Who do you say I am”
When you think of God, what comes to mind?
A.W. Tozer once said, “We tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God.” If our ideas about God are coming from the wrong places, then our God will be too small.
God’s Word, His Son, and creation give us ideas about the Creator. In Romans 1, Paul tells us that creation reveals God’s glory, but men have suppressed this knowledge
I think many Christians live with a “God in a Box.” We put parameters on God that do not really hold true. We create fences rather than gateways. By doing this, we create our own notion of God instead of believe in God as he shows himself to us. We have made a God that is explainable, bound up by the human mind and only as powerful as we will let him be, as a result we limit His ability to work in us and to bless others through our lives.
We will need to let God out of the box of our limited understanding and imagination if we are to become all that He wants us to be. We will need to let God be GOD!
Is God getting bigger as you get to know him more?
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
November 1, 2007
2nd "Gut Check Question"
One of my favorite things I do once a year is watch reruns of the Rocky movies not that I am a huge fan of boxing -but I love the thought of the ordinary guy overcoming the odds and becoming a champion .One of my favorite quotes of Rocky 3 is when Mick turns to Rocky and says.
"But then the worst thing happened that could happen to any fighter,you got civilised
I dont believe that Christ has called us to a passive Faith ,where we just sit out our time on earth playing it safe while waiting for Christs return . Faith is spelt RISK ,and it doesnt matter to what degree that is ,as much as to the fact that we are taking them .When I say "them" I mean doing the things that cause our spirit to soar and our stomach to sink
I never want to be one of those leaders who only say , “Well, you know, I am praying about it!” Many Christians can often use prayer as an excuse for inactivity…but because it sounds spiritual then no one can argue. (please hear this in the context of risk)
I laugh when I read I Samuel 17, the story of David and Goliath.
In reading that story it is clear in I Samuel 17:16 that the Israelites were held in bondage for 40 days by the giant.
I am sure they prayed for God to remove the giant…maybe they sang songs to God about what a giant killer He was…or better yet, they began Bible studies on how to kill a giant. BUT–it wasn’t until David walked down into the valley and cut off the big fellas head off ,that people were set free.
David took a risk. Peter took a risk and because he did he is known as a wet water walker rather than only a dry boat talker
What is the risk that God wants you to take.Take a walk and see what Christ will do
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
October 30, 2007
Synergy In Motion
Clive Smit, Hamilton's Eastside Apostolic's Youth Pastor has also written a post about this topic as well, To Grow Evaluate Constantly
Its well worth a read , Clive gives some compelling reasons to have a "Spiritual Gut Check",and lists the questions he asks.
Thanks Clive for your input ,talk about synergy in motion.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
1st "Gut Check Question"
Number 1
#Am I listening to the voice of God?
In Mark 3:14 it says Jesus ordained 12 that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach.
Whatever you think your calling is, you are called to be with Jesus.This is your primary calling,your highest ministry. Before Jesus said go into the world he said “Be with me”
The Lord has so many things that he desires to show us, but his real desire is that we know him more .I don’t know about you but I need more of Jesus every day .I need him more today than I did yesterday.
We often assume busyness means godliness but Jesus says in John 15vs 15
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing”.
When you stay “connected,” you bear fruit spontaneously. There’s no striving and straining. It’s just an outgrowth of your intimacy with Him.
I love the story in Mark 1vs 10-11 ,it’s the story of Jesus getting Baptised and coming out of the water and hearing the voice from heaven ‘You are my son whom I love ,with you I am well pleased .
Well pleased with what? The people he had spoken to, the healings he had done, the demons he had cast out, the miracles that were performed?
Not at all, Jesus had not even started any of these things .His father was well pleased, because Jesus consistently placed his devotion over duty, his passion over performance, his friendship over function.
Number 1#Am I listening to the voice of God?
Comments please...
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
October 29, 2007
Six Questions I ask
Every now and then ,its easy for people to drift through life ,this is especially true in ministry .
As leaders the greatest danger is remembering the HOW and forgetting the WHY .To keep us balanced between these two from time to time…in any arena of life there is a time for a “gut check.”
I have a conviction that this needs to be done approx every 26 days .This comes from Nehemiah ,the shortest guy in the bible being only Knee high LOL,who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days .
When the wall reached half its hight (26 days) they experienced the greatest opposition ,and presented Nehemiah with potentially a greater challenge "passivity". In my opionion there is nothing more effective in moving people from being passive to being productive ,than by reminding them of the WHY
Here are six questions I often use to do a personal gut check for ministry..
#1 - Am I Listening To The Voice of God?
#2 - Am I Taking Risks?
#3 - Am I Understanding How Big God Is?
#4 - Am I Surrounding Myself With The Right People
#5 -Am I RoleModelling The Right Behaviours
#6 - Am I Giving It My Best?
I will detail the first 3 of these in futher posts
Interested in comments
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
October 12, 2007
Life Values
Iwill live with OPTIMISM to inspire hope
I will live with LOVE to build meaningful relationships
I will live with PASSION to lift myself and others to a higher level of excellence
I will live with INTEGRITY so that I may finish my God given assignment
I will live with DETERMINATION so that I may influence others
I will live with COURAGE so that I will embrace risk
I will live with AUTHENTICITY so that I can experience God's grace
I will live with HUMOR so that I may keep the right perspective
What does yours look like ?
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Personal
October 9, 2007
Marraige is a gamble....
Marriage is a gamble.
You start with a pair.
He shows a diamond.
She shows a heart.
Her father has a club.
His father has a spade.
There's usually a joker around somewhere
But after a while he becomes a king and she becomes a queen.
Then they end up with a full house.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
What a gaall...
Dear Dad
Thank you for your lovely note
you are the best Dad in the world
I love you very much.Here is a poem about love
L is for Love
O is for oh I love you very,very,very,very,very much Dad.
V Dont know...
E is for ever and ever
I Love you
She wrote this,afterI had to make a desision to disipline her .
After waiting for 4 weeks to watch High School Musical 2,one day before it came out,which also happened to be the last day at school,she was pipped at the post by a slight misedemor on her behalf.
I remember taking her aside alone in our bedroom and explaining to her what I had decided as a consequence. Yep you guessed it . No movie. As she listened, I noticed her tears welling up in her eyes...., the quivering of the lip,........,the drop of the head ,.......all within that small moment of time when her dream ships of expectation had been smashed upon the harsh rocks of reality.
I wrote a note to say to her I love you and all is forgotten and forgiven,her poem was her response.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Family
October 4, 2007
Good Preaching
I recently came across this quote that I feel is worthy of our attention:
If you are reading this and you preach.Please understand that our purpose is not just to offer information but to inspire transformation through ,not merely soothing our hearers earsGood preaching begins in the Bible, but it doesn’t stay there. It visits the hospital and the college dorm, the factory and the farm, the kitchen and the office, the bedroom and the classroom.
Good preaching invades the world in which people live, the real world of tragedy and triumph, loveliness and loneliness, broken hearts, broken homes, and amber waves of strain.
Good preaching invades the real world, and it talks to real people—the high-school senior who’s there because he’s dragged there; the housewife who wants a divorce; the grandfather who mourns the irreversibility of time and lives with a frantic sense that almost all the sand in the hourglass has dropped; the farmer who is about to lose his farm.Tthe banker who must take it from him; the teacher who has kept her lesbianism a secret all these years; the businessman for whom money has become a god; the single girl who hates herself because she’s fat.
Good preaching helps them do business with God; it helps them interpret their own human experience, telling them what in their heart of hearts they already know, and are yearning to hear confirmed
But moving our listeners lives towards a higher level of living in Christ.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Preaching
September 21, 2007
Dealing With Critics - Six Questions That I Ask Part 2
#4 - Is This Criticism Personal Or Shared By Others?
Pastors…here is the truth. We can receive hundreds of e-mails telling us how wonderful the sermon was…and one telling us that we are horrible preachers…and we will ignore the one hundred and focus on the one that was negative!We all do it–I am the world’s worse!!!
OR–we will fall for the line, “I’ve been talking to a lot of people…and everyone is saying…” And then they will unload their personal agenda on us and say that everyone is saying the exact same thing. Which in most cases is not true. In fact, what I have discovered is that a person who usually says things like this don’t really have a lot of people who will talk to them anyway. Seriously! And…if it is always the same person saying that “everyone is saying,” but they are the only person who is saying anything…then ask them who “everyone” is–this will usually shut them up!
#5 - Is This Worth My Time?
I used to try and fight every single ounce of criticism that came my way…and I just can’t do it anymore, and neither can you.
Now, there are some things that are worth my time…and I do address issues on the blog from time to time that I feel are necessary.
BUT…what I have discovered is that the majority of the criticism I get simply isn’t worth my time. I am NOT going to change the person’s mind…and “friendly debate” is out of the question…so I just move on.
6# - Will I cause dissension among the brothers by doing this?
According to Proverbs 6:16-19 God HATES it when someone does this!
One night I heard of a church that was growing in popularity…but had some very different biblical views. I went to their website and listened to a message and, by the end of it, I was SO ANGRY. The speaker had basically butchered Scripture to affirm a very unbiblical behavior! I started to blog about this guy until…I thought, “I don’t even know this dude…and by doing this I am going to release a firestorm against him…is that right?”
Don’t get me wrong–I was still mad…but I did not want to participate in something that I knew God was going to hate–that would pretty much be considered sin!!!
The world is watching…and when Christians cause Christians to get mad at other Christians…somehow I just don’t believe God is pleased.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
September 20, 2007
Dealing With Critics - Six Questions That I Ask
Here below is an excellent article from Pastor Perry Noble of Newspring Church about how to deal with critics.
Believe you me its part of the territory that comes from wanting to live a significant life.Depending on how its handled it will either make you or break you.
Pastor Perry gives some good insight on how to let it make us .Its in 2 parts,check out tommorow for Part 2
Dealing With Critics - Five Questions That I Ask
I have been a part of several pastors Q & A sessions in the past year–leading some and participating in others–and in EVERY session that I attended the question, “How do you deal with criticism” surfaced.
I will have to admit that I am NOT an expert in this area…I am still learning; however, I believe in order for a pastor (or church leader) to finish well he has to learn how to deal with this issue. Jesus dealt with it, so did the Apostle Paul…we all will. One of the number one factors in pastors leaving the ministry is discouragement…and so here are several questions that I ask when criticism flies my way…
#1 - How Well Does This Person Know Me?
One of the things that we have to learn as pastors is just because someone has a blog or knows how to type an e-mail…that does not make them an expert. (Yes, I put myself in this category.)
I cannot tell you the number of blog posts I have read and e-mails that I have received from people calling me prideful, a heretic, saying that I am going to hell…and those are the nice ones!!!
Pastors, you’ve got to understand WHO is doing the criticizing. People will often act before they think (I do) and make snap judgments on your character based on one line you wrote on your blog or something you said in a sermon in which they did not listen to the entire context.
And…to be honest, those are the people I do not listen to. I can’t! I don’t have time.
BUT…I do listen to those closest to me. I have created an open atmosphere among the leaders here at NewSpring…and behind closed doors I have been both encouraged and rebuked. You’ve got to have people around you who are willing to tell you the truth or this does not work.
AND…I listen to the people in our church, who are neck deep in ministry with us…their opinion matters! But those who don’t know me–I don’t have time to try to convince them I’m a good person…and if I try then they call me arrogant and say I should be more humble. :-)
#2 - What Attitude Does The Person Criticizing Have?
Bottom line, if someone comes at me with a negative, condemning attitude…I write it off. The Bible says that we are called to speak the truth…but we are called to do so in love.
#3 - Does What The Person Is Saying Pass Through The Filter Of Scripture?
DANG…I heard Erwin McManus say this once…and it has impacted me ever since. When someone comes at me with, “I think this,” and, “I think that,” but cannot back up their argument with Scripture…I write them off.
Let me say this–Scripture IN CONTEXT, I have discovered that there are some people out there who can make the Bible say anything they want it to say by misquoting God’s Word.
But Scripture in context…I will listen to that.
For example, a few weeks ago a friend and I had some differences and I did not speak to this person for several days. Things were tense because we work around one another. She confronted me on this and said,
“The Bible says in Ephesians 4:26 that we are not supposed to let the sun go down on us while we are angry…I would say you have done that.”
I was busted–she was right…she confronted me with a non-judgmental attitude and used Scripture in context…and I repented because I was wrong.
Have you experienced critics?
What works for you?
I am interested in your comments
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
September 19, 2007
Delilahs Barber Shop Part 2
While this story stands as a warning of what not to do, it is also a story that speaks of second chances.
He conquered through Grace
We serve a God of second chances. The grace of God is such that he refuses to cast us aside if we repent. The Bible tells us that “the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaven” (Judges 16:22 NKJV).
That’s my life verse I am what you call follicle challenged As Samson’s hair began to grow, his strength began to return.
One night, as the Philistines were having a drunken feast to their false god, Dagon, someone came up with the idea of dragging out the sightless Samson so they could make fun of him.
Samson was guided by a servant to the foundational pillars of the temple, and in a final act of vengeance, he asked for strength from God and pushed the pillars apart. The temple collapsed, and Samson killed more Philistines in one moment than he had killed in his entire lifetime.
He conquered through Prayer
Judges 16vs 28 –“Oh God remember me”
James 4vs 7...Submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee-come near to God and He will come near to you.
The air in a room looks fine until the sun shines through the window and you see the particles of dust floating around .
If the light of Christ is not shining in your life you will think you are living in a clean room and you wont see the dirt hovering around you ,but when the light of Christ is shining in you are very sensitive to the dust of sin
He conquered through Death
Judges 16vs 30 “Let me die”
By his own death he triumphed
Mark 8vs 34… seek to lose your life in Christ it their you will find it
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
September 18, 2007
Delilahs barber shop
When we think of Samson, probably the first thing that comes to mind is his incredible strength.
Popeye's strength came from spinich
The Incredible Hulks strength came from getting angry
Samsons strength came from his hair
If my hair was the symbol of my strength I would be a very weak man,I am what you call follicly challenged
This guy was a human wrecking ball!! ,He ripped a loin in half,carried the gates of the city up hills ,killed 1000 men with a jaw bone of a donkey , but he was also one of the most interesting and controversial guys that God ever put His hand on, a man with incredible potential that he largely wasted
Samson could have been one of the greatest leaders in the history of Israel, instead, his life tragically became an example ,a proverb of how not to live.
He threw it all away because he made some subtle but serious mistakes.
Genesis 4:6-8 -But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."He failed to prepare so he prepared to fail
The Bible tells us in Judges 16:21
“The Philistines took him and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza. They bound him with bronze fetters, and he became a grinder in the prison”
That is what sin does. It blinds you. It finds you. And then it grinds you.
The Philistines took him (Finds you)
And put out his eyes, (Blinds you)
They bound him with bronze fetters, and he became a grinder in the prison (Grinds you)
That is what sin does. It blinds you. It finds you. And then it grinds you.
First of all, it blinds you.
It looks attractive desirable, look satisfying. It promises much but delivers very little. Sin will always provide short-term gratification with a goal of long term destruction it will take you further than you want to go and leave you longer than you want to stay,and cost you more than you want to pay. Samson got up from Delilahs barber shop not knowing his strength had left
Don’t be deceived by sin. If it comes knocking on your door, don’t answer. Its much better to shun the bait than struggle on the hook. We need to flee temptation and leave no forwarding address
The wise man "sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it" (Proverbs 22:3 NIV).
Next, sin finds you.
There might be an almost euphoric excitement the first time you cross the line, whether it’s that first sexual encounter, the first time you steal that item, the first time you get away with that lie, the first time you have that drink, the first time you try that drug, ,illicit website and so on. .
You take the bait and then think you’re getting away with it. But the Bible says, “Be sure your sin will find you out” (Num. 32:23 NKJV). Sin is like a boomerang if you don’t get rid of it will come back and find you.
Small things turn into big things little compromises turn into big sins-it can be a slow and subtle process a bit like that frog in the frying pan
And then sin grinds you.
You eventually pay the miserable price. their are pleasures of sin –I acknowledge sin can be fun –it like that roller coaster ride –I acknowledge that pay day will come –and the wages is death .Your marriage is broken. A trust is betrayed. Your witness is damaged. Your reputation goes down the tubes. Your children are devastated
While his story stands as a warning of what not to do, it is also a story that speaks of second chances.More on this tommorow
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
July 27, 2007
Causes of stagnation
What causes people to repel against the most natural thing in life – to grow and develop? What causes people to surrender the very thing that makes them uniquely human – their ability to adapt, change and invent?
I believe this article provides a compelling reason
One of the reasons so many surrender to the multiple lures of stagnation, is its familiarity. Former Executive and President of Hewlett-Packard Co. Carly Fiorina succinctly outlined the seductive danger of comfort zones in the following illustration about “querencia”.
“In bullfighting” she writes, “there is a term called querencia. The querencia is the spot in the ring to which the bull returns. Each bull has a different querencia, but as the bullfight continues, and the animal becomes more threatened, it returns more and more often to his spot. As he returns to his querencia, he becomes more predictable. And so, in the end, the matador is able to kill the bull because instead of trying something new, the bull returns to what is familiar, his comfort zone”.
Where do you or I return when we feel threatened? Where is our “querencia”? Chances are wherever that place may be is the same place that holds the greatest threat to our growth and development. Querencia’s are not built to advance us but to comfort us. They are not constructed to make us think, dream, dare and change, but they are places of retirement, familiarity and predictability. Tragically like the bull, the more predictable and comfortable we become the easier it is for the matador’s of life to kill us.
To kill every dream, dismantle every vision and terminate every aspiration we possess to become more than we are. When that happens LIFE , real LIFE as it was always intended to be lived, becomes extinct. We each need an element of chaos in our lives, an element that leaves us in anticipation of a surprise.!
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
July 20, 2007
Understanding People Part 2
John Maxwell wrote these thoughts on the things every person needs to understand about people. See Part 1
Everybody Needs Somebody.
Contrary to popular belief, there are no such things as self-made men and women. Everybody needs somebody to come alongside and help. If you understand that, are willing to give to others and help them, and maintain the right motives, their lives and yours will change.
Everybody Can Be Somebody When Somebody Understands and Believes in Him or Her.
Once you understand people and believe in them, they really can become somebody. And it doesn't take much effort to help other people feel important. Little things, done deliberately at the right time, can make a big difference. When was the last time you went out of your way to make people feel special, as if they were somebody? The investment required on your part is totally overshadowed by the impact it makes on them.
Anybody Who Helps Somebody Influences a Lot of Bodies.
The final thing you need to understand about people is that when you help one person, you're really impacting a lot of other people. What you give to one person overflows into the lives of all the people that person impacts. It even impacts you because when you help others and your motives are good, you always receive more than you can ever give.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
July 19, 2007
Lonely,Lonely People
Man gets 5,000 calls for YouTube postingApril 22, 2007
SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. –Ryan Fitzgerald is unemployed, lives with his father and has a little bit of time on his hands.
So, he decided to offer his ear, to anyone who wants to call. After posting a video with his cell phone number on YouTube on Friday, the 20-year-old told The Boston Globe he has received more than 5,000 calls and text messages.
Fitzgerald said he wanted to “be there,” for anyone who needed to talk. “I never met you, but I do care,” a spiky-haired Fitzgerald said into the camera on his YouTube posting.
He planned to take and return as many calls he could, but on Monday at 5 a.m., his T-Mobile cell phone payment will begin charging him for his generosity when he is no longer eligible for free weekend minutes.
“I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to do about it,” he said. “Come Monday, no way I’m going to just hang up on people and say, ‘I don’t have the minutes.’”
Fitzgerald, who said people consider him “easy to talk to,” was inspired by Juan Mann. YouTube video clips of Mann offering “Free Hugs” to strangers became wildly popular on the user-controlled Internet site.
“Some people’s own mothers won’t take the time to sit down and talk with them and have a conversation,” Fitzgerald said. “But some stranger on YouTube will. After six seconds, you’re not a stranger anymore, you’re a new kid I just met.”
Article from national news.
Isn’t it amazing what just one person who cares about others can do?
What a motivator to show Christ’s love more.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Illustrations
Understanding People Part 1
Knowing what people need and want is the key to understanding them. And if you can understand them, you can influence them and impact their lives in a positive way. Listed are five things about understanding people:
Everybody Wants to Be Somebody.
There isn't a person in the world who doesn't have the desire to be someone, to have significance. Even the least ambitious and unassuming person wants to be regarded highly by others. Once that piece of information becomes a part of your everyday thinking, you'll gain incredible insight into why people do the things they do. And if you treat every person you meet as if he or she was the most important person in the world, you'll communicate that he or she is somebody - to you.
Nobody Cares How Much You Know Until He Knows How Much You Care.
To be an influencer, you have to love people before you try to lead them. The moment that people know that you care for and about them, the way they feel about you changes. If you want to help others and become a person of influence, keep smiling, sharing, giving, and turning the other cheek.
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Christain Living
July 18, 2007
Identity crime
I am doing a talk on this in a few weeks-We so need to hear this
Identity crime is the crime of the new millennium
In fact world wide its the fastest growing act of Crime
7% of fraud is committed using a false name
10% is committed using a false ID
14% of fraud committed by an individual within the company
25% is made up of other
And a staggering 44% of fraud is committed through identity crime
It got me thinking how as Christians many have a mistaken identity ,this comes from two sources
Firstly how we see Christ and secondly how we believe Christ sees us
I believe the two greatest discoveries you can ever make in life is to discover your condition before the cross and discover your position through the cross
People who really know who they are, both as a person and as a Believer, live their lives to the full and make the greatest impact on others
Jesus asked his own disciples in Matthew 16:15: ‘But who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter replied: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’
What are your thoughts?
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
July 13, 2007
One person has said the
The Self-sufficient do not pray; they merely talk to themselves
The self-satisfied will not pray;they have no knowledge of their need
The self righteous cannot pray;they have no basis on which to come to God
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
July 10, 2007
Prayer and Fasting
Fasting, prayers turn son’s life around by John McNeil
Andrew Shepherd, children’s pastor at Crossway Baptist Church in Melbourne, said that although his son, Luke, had been brought up in a Christian home, he had gone away from God, and become immersed in the death metal music culture. Luke’s life was causing torment in the family, to the point where he had to ask him to leave unless he brought his life into line within the family home.
In the middle of last year, Mr Shepherd was challenged about fasting after reading a book by Jensen Franklin. “At that time, Luke, aged 18, was as backslidden as you could be. It was causing incredible grief in the family. So we decided on a fast for 40 days. But I was so desperate for a breakthrough in my son’s life that I decided to go for 45 days,” he said.Luke – who attended the conference with his father – said he had decided when he hit high school he was going to live for himself. “I got into death metal music, which is satanic.
It was more than music to me – it became my life. My life turned into hatred of anything to do with the Church, everything I had grown up believing. I loved mocking my parents and the things of God.” Luke said that one Friday night last September, he went as usual to a friend’s place to party. While there, he started having visions, and an encounter with God. “God began to soften my heart, and speak to me about everything I was doing.” At 2am he called his father to come to pick him up. From that time, he had a total turnaround and his life has been changed.
“The next day in everything I did I began living for God. I burned all my music, all my clothes, all that had to do with my old life. I ran into a church to rededicate my life. I am now doing an internship at Planetshakers Church in Melbourne.” Mr Shepherd told the conference that leading up to that night nothing appeared to have changed. A week before it was as bad as it had ever been. The day after the encounter, everything had undergone a radical change. People did not recognise him.
“If last March you had told me that I would be bringing my son to this conference, two months into a remarkable internship, spending two hours a day reading his Bible, I wouldn’t have believed it.”
He reminded the leaders of a saying by John Wesley, that God is limited by only two things: unbelief and a lack of prayer.
As he considered this, he went on another 40-day fast, and read four books on prayer. He noticed a common thread in the life of every person who shifted the world – they all had a lifestyle of extraordinary prayer. “I felt God challenge me to pray a couple of hours a day for a year. He was calling for a radical shift in lifestyle around him.“Our prayer life is the only thing that will change things. God is looking for people who will take on the dare of being extraordinary.”
Wow great story, I am so challenged
What could God do through my life if I applied the principles in this real life story?
What could he do in your life ? "
Prayer is not overcoming Gods reluctance but laying hold of his highest willingness"
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
July 6, 2007
Do You Have Hidden Talents
Do You Have Hidden Talents?
Watch this inspiring video.
It’s an awesome demonstration of authenticity and passion. It will give you goosebumps.
Think about what talents you have inside you that you may not be sharing.
You may not be able to do what this man does, but you have something unique, something special—
There are many good people, nice people with potential service for God. The only thing is they never move from potential to productive..
In the parable of the talents Matthew 25 14-30
The 3rd servant in the parable is the same way. He looks at the master and says I did not do anything. I hid the one talent and never put it to use, never allowed you to gain any glory.He had the talent, he had the blessing of the master, he had the opportunity, he had the potential but never moved over to productive.
To many lack the great passion for God to become a Productive servant for God.
A man once went in search for God. He went o a wise old saga and ask if he could help him find God. The Old man told the young man to follow him. The old man led him down to a river and out until hey were neck deep. The old man turned grabbed the young man and held his head under the water. The young man twisted turned and thrashed about finally the old man let go of the young man and said, “ when you have the passion to find God as you did to find air then you will find Him.
Never under estimate passion guys. They say effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know
What is it that excites you; that causes your heart to pound; your blood to race; your spirit to soar?-
Nothing will move you from potential to productive until you are moved from passive to passionate·
Jeremiah’s Passion
Jeremiah 20:9 Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.·
Nehemiah’s Passion
Nehemiah 6:3 And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?
Paul’s Passion
Philippians 3:10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death
I had this sudden thought -Our potential is God’s gift to us. What we do with it is our gift to Him.
Zig Ziglar has said, “You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.” Are you investing what you’ve been given, regardless of how much it is? Or, have you buried your blessing and kept it hidden from others?
Get your Complaint on ,Get your passion going and watch yourself soar
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
What is your Complaint?
What is your Complaint?
What’s your problem? What’s your issue? What can’t you stand? What won’t you put up with?
What do you have an attitude about? What bothers you about the church? What keeps you awake at night?
What drives you crazy and gets you up on your ‘soap box’ thumping the table in protest?
Here you will find your life’s cause and calling. Your irritation is your ministry. What you can’t stand is what you were put here to stand up for.
Celebrity TV chef called Jamie Oliver recently took on the Government about the poor nutritional quality of school meals. His complaint was that our children are being fed junk food at the most formative time of their physical and intellectual development. His outrage exposed the disgrace on national TV and the public protest he provoked resulted in a change in the level of government funding for school meals in a matter of weeks.
Many before him had expressed a concern about school meals, but a concern is not a complaint. A complaint fuels a vision to bring change and the consistent voice it becomes makes real change possible.
When people have no complaint they become compliant; accept the status quo, and sign up to long established traditions. They do what they do because everyone else does; together they comply because compliance is comfortable and comfort has never been the mother of complaint passion holds that birth right!
People have complaints about training, music, kids church, youth, security, visitor experience, tidiness, catering and hospitality, media, marriage, money management, transport, the poor, the homeless, prostitution, drug addiction, solvent abuse, housing, care of the elderly, those in prison – and so on.
The people leading these ministries are doing so because they have a ‘bee in their bonnet’ about it. Their vision of what they can do is coming from their complaint about what was once done poorly or, worse than that, never done at all.
If something bothers you, if you feel something should be done, someone should say something, someone should stand up and stand out, then don’t tell your leaders. You’re noticing it for a reason, you feel strongly about it for a reason.
And the reason is, it’s your complaint, which is the beginning of your vision.
In the same place that you find your life’s complaint you will find your life’s call.
So lets not whinge and complain about the things that we tolerate but be someone with a genuine complaint, willing to become a force for change
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
July 4, 2007
Your complaint fuels your vision
I asked a question on the last post and want to explore this over the next few blogs .
How do we take hold of a cause to give our life to ?.Or perhaps better put how does the cause take hold of us ?
This is taken from Pastor Paul Scanlons book "Crossing Over".
Your complaint fuels your vision
Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.'Habakkuk2:2
This is probably one of the best known and most quoted verses in the Bible on the subject of vision. However, what is usually less known is the context within which it was spoken. These words from God to Habakkuk were part of a reply to some specific issues Habakkuk had been asking God about. Chapter one of the book records these. Basically they consist of two complaints which had become the focus of Habakkuk’s anger and frustration. His complaints were about injustice, lawlessness, the oppression of the poor and how the wicked seemed to be getting away with murder - often literally.
Habakkuk had a table thumping, finger wagging, voice raising complaint that he would not leave alone until he heard from God. He was in good company. His contemporary, Jeremiah had a similar complaint as did Nehemiah, Moses and Gideon. More recent history records that Abraham Lincoln had a complaint about slavery, Martin Luther King had a complaint about racism and human rights, Nelson Mandela had a complaint about apartheid and Mother Theresa a complaint about hunger and poverty – the list goes on. Each was so motivated by their complaint that they gave their lives to doing something about it, and this became their vision.
The principle I am therefore establishing is this: At the core of every visionary leader’s life is a deep dissatisfaction with how things are; at the root of every history maker’s calling is a complaint. That complaint is their cause, it is their fuel, drive and motivation to press through and accomplish their dream, however tough it gets along the way.
I want you to understand this important principle because in Christian teaching and preaching, our emphasis is usually on the vision, not the complaint it sprang from. We study vision, are keen to ask what a person’s vision is and work hard to ‘communicate the vision’ of our church, ministry or organisation.
However, unless that vision springs from a fundamental dissatisfaction with how things are, it lacks a cause. And without a cause, vision lacks a ‘Why?’ It lacks a reason.
People need a reason for being asked to sacrifice for the vision you are presenting, and that reason must be real, known and felt by all involved. They must feel the strength of the complaint which fuels the vision. And here lies the point of my title for this article: The vision you have will perish and die unless you stay in vital touch with the deep complaint that first motivated you to develop a vision of a better future and then go and do something about it.
Without a vision your people will perish
Without a complaint your vision will perish.
Be interested in your comments
What fuels your vision?
What steps do you take to keep you commited to your vision?
In looking back ,has the fulfilment of the vision grown in momentum or is there a continual pattern of stopping and starting ?
Next time -How do we know what our complaint is ,How is this found ,What is my complaint ?
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
June 26, 2007
The 4 stages in the "Pursuit of a Cause"
Hi everyone ,in my previous blog I wrote about how the fulfillment of our dream/cause depends a lot on how we navigate through the setbacks of life ,or perhaps a better description , "The school of hard knocks"
The message went of the hook and blessed many people
In prepping for my my message I came across this article ,which using my own life as a point of reference I have found very true
The pursuit of a cause/dream tracks its way through four developmental stages.
Stage One – “Dream” This is the place of euphoria and idealism, the beginning of any project or the commencement of any endeavour. It is when ‘best-case-scenarios’ abound and enthusiasm is virtually tangible.
Stage Two – “Disappointment ”. Disillusion sets in, reality hits; things fail to appear as sweet and simple as at the beginning. This is the place where struggles begin, obstacles impede and setbacks delay.
Stage Three – “Discovery ” Reality is re-defined; endurance and persistence ensure that vital lessons are learnt. The true size, nature and demands of the task are now uncovered.
Stage Four – "Decision"With eyes now fully open, a fresh determination is found and a new, deeper, more real commitment is made to proceed whatever the cost.
Comments please ...
Next blog will be how do we take hold of a cause to give our life to ,or perhaps better put how does the cause take hold of us ...
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
Labels: Leadership
June 19, 2007
Overcoming setbacks in your life
I am giving a leadership talk on the weekend and are talking about the power to dream
and want to focus on the thought how the fulfillment of the dream depends a lot on how we navigate ourselves around the setbacks of life
Looking at the life of Joseph and what we can learn from his life
He went from the pit to the palace to the prison and ended up as prime minister
What helped ?? i believe the word gives us some great answers-its going to be a humdinger!!
Here is one thought -Joseph in the prison helped others find their dreams !!
What a key -in helping others -he helped himself!!!
Here is one story to illustrate this point
You may not know the background of a certain laundry worker who earned sixty dollars a week at his job but had the burning desire to be a writer. His wife worked nights, and he spent nights and weekends typing manuscripts to send to publishers and agents. Each one was rejected with a form letter that gave him no assurance that his manuscripts had even been read. But finally, a warm, more personal rejection letter came in the mail to the laundry worker, stating that although his work was not good enough at this point to warrant publishing, he had promise as a writer and he should keep trying.
He forwarded two more manuscripts to the same friendly-yet-rejecting publisher over the next eighteen months, and as before, he struck out with both of them too. Finances got so tight for the young couple that they had to disconnect their telephone to pay for medicine for their baby. Feeling totally discouraged, he threw his latest manuscript into the garbage. His wife so committed to his life goals and believing in his talent, took the manuscript out of the trash and sent it back to Doubleday, the publisher who had sent the friendly rejections. The book, titled Carrie, sold over five million copies, and as a movie, became one of the top-grossing films in 1976. The laundry worker, of course, was Stephen King
May we do they same !!
Help others fulfill their dreams
Catch you up
Mr Sarge
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
May 14, 2007
Bible Heroes
From following on from the previous blog I wanted to explore people in the bible who lived with strong convictions and what those convictions were
- But it happened about this time, when Joseph went into the house to do his work, and none of the men of the house was inside, that she caught him by his garment, saying, “Lie with me.” But he left his garment in her hand, and fled and ran outside. Genisis39:11
Joseph-a conviction about sexual purity.
- Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us
Daniel 3vs 17
Meshach,Shamrach and Abendigo-A conviction about Gods protection
- But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; Daniel 1:8
Daniel- A conviction about obedience
- And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”Joshua 24
Joshua-a conviction about commitment
- Then they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news, and we remain silent. If we wait until morning light, some punishment will come upon us. Now therefore, come, let us go and tell the king’s household. 2 Kings 7:9
The 4 leprous men-a conviction about mission
- Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.Job13 : 15
Job -a conviction about unswerving devotion
On those days when I feel strong...I will praise Him.On those days when I feel weak...I will praise Him.On those days when I feel sick...I will praise Him.On those days when I feel like giving up..I will praise Him.On those days when I feel overwhelmed...I will praise Him.On those days when I feel tempted...I will praise Him.On those days when I feel strong... I will praise Him.And the circle of days will go on and on....and I will praise Him!!! Let that be your resolve too!
- There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?” John 6:9
The little boys lunch-a conviction about significance
You matter -I matter -We matter!!
- “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42
Jesus Christ-A conviction of surrender to his fathers will
Wow what a legend ,What a hero-The most wonderful man I know -Take a bow Almighty God
So there you go,of course thier are many others,Esther,Deborah,Rahab,Mary,Paul,Noah,Moses,David,Ruth etc etc etc ..
But i hope you get the drift when we allow God to shape our convictions our convictions will eventually shape us and, they will set a pattern of your life.
Strong convictions will and do build a strong life, but if your convictions are weak and wavering, your life will be the same.If you want to build a pattern in your life that will produce God's best for your life you will need to make good choices. The choices you make are determined by your convictions. Becoming people of strong conviction, will ensure we will stand firm when tough times come.
I look forward to your comments about the last two blogs.
How important are convictions to you?
Do you have any?
Do you agree with the statement "If you stand for nothing,you will fall for anything"
What Bible people stand out for you who had strong convictions and what were those?
I am off to auckland until the end of week,see you after that
Blessings Jeremy
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
May 12, 2007
Living with Conviction
Some time ago I read a quote that said "If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything".
Your convictions are the beliefs and persuasions that ground you and establish the pattern of your life.
Without strong convictions our decisions will be guided and influenced by whoever or whatever has the strongest persuasion at the time.
whether that be the persuasion of Culture- Everyone is doing it ,Tradition- We have always done it that way ,Reason -It seems logical ,Emotion-It feels right
Your convictions cannot be separated from the pattern of your life. Where and how you stand will set the course of your life.
Paul went on to exhort and encourage Timothy: "Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus." 2 Timothy 1:13 NKJV
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God Romans12:2
The bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our mind the Greek word is metamorphosis used to describe the amazing change a caterpillar goes through in becoming a butterfly
When we allow God to shape our convictions our convictions will eventually shape us and, they will set a pattern of your life. Strong convictions will and do build a strong life, but if your convictions are weak and wavering, your life will be the same.
If you want to build a pattern in your life that will produce God's best for your life you will need to make good choices. The choices you make are determined by your convictions. Becoming people of strong conviction, will ensure we will stand firm when tough times come.
Next time I will explore people in the bible who lived with strong convictions and what those convictions were
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
May 11, 2007
Pleasure Ship or Rescue Boat?
This is an except from a article I read about the Tititanic
"Even before Titanic arrived on the big screen in 1997, people have been fascinated by its story, perhaps because there is so much to it. Clearly, many mistakes were made that led to its sinking. Although it was called the unsinkable ship, it sank. And it sank relatively easily.We know that 1,500 people perished in an icy grave. We know there were not enough lifeboats
on board. We know that many of them went out half-full, some with only four or five people when they had the capacity to carry at least 60. But one of the greatest tragedies about the Titanic is the fact that while there was room in the lifeboats, no one went back to save anyone else.
They had rowed out a distance from the sinking vessel because they were afraid of its suction.
Survivors said they could hear the screams of the people as the Titanic finally disappearedbelow the surface.Here were people in lifeboats that had room. They could have rowed back and pulled others in. Yet they did nothing about it. They waited for about an hour, and then they went back. By then, they were only able to save a handful of people. They waited until it was too late".
The point I have to say about this account of the Titanic is that history often tells us so much,they say hindsight is a wonderful thing.
But my question is what have we learned from the tragedy of the titanic?
Right now, there is a lost world around us. People are going down, and we have room in our lifeboat.
Do we care enough to go and pull them on board?
Do we care enough to do something for them?
Or will we say, "They should have gotten into the boat when there was time"?
Do you have a burden for lost people? That is where it starts
Ask God right now to help you be a rescue boat to rescue those that are lost
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent
May 10, 2007
The "Be-with" Factor
In Mark 3:14 it says Jesus ordained 12 that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach -
Whatever you think your calling is, you are called to be with Jesus -that is your primary calling -your highest ministry
Before Jesus said go into the world he said “Be with me”
The Lord has so many things that he desires to show us -but his real desire is that we know him more .I don’t know about you but I need more of Jesus every day .I need him more today than I did yesterday.
The apostle Paul was able to say after listing all his accolades ,all his awards and all his achievements that I count all things but loss that I may win Christ-
Paul's entire being his ministry ,His life, his very purpose for living was focused only on pleasing his Lord all else was rubbish to him.
God’s highest desire for you is not that you love him but that you will become like him
John 15:5
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing”.
When you stay “connected,” you bear fruit spontaneously. There’s no striving and straining. It’s just an outgrowth of your intimacy with Him.
We often assume busyness means godliness .We hear so much talk about the doing stuff .I did this for God, I did that, but I want to start hearing more about the “being” walk of our relationship with Jesus. Jesus summed it up really well in
Luke 10: 38-42
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying.
But Martha was distracted by her many tasks; so she came to him and asked, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her
Why is it at times easier to focus on the "doing" part of our faith walk than our "being"?
What are the potential problems that can happen as a result of this ?
Today lets have the "Be with" factor in our day ,spend time in his glorious presence , sit at his feet and hear the soft still voice of his spirit
You will choose the "better part" as you do
As always I look forward to your comments about this
See you tommorow
Posted by
Jeremy Sargent