July 20, 2007

Understanding People Part 2

John Maxwell wrote these thoughts on the things every person needs to understand about people. See Part 1

Everybody Needs Somebody.

Contrary to popular belief, there are no such things as self-made men and women. Everybody needs somebody to come alongside and help. If you understand that, are willing to give to others and help them, and maintain the right motives, their lives and yours will change.

Everybody Can Be Somebody When Somebody Understands and Believes in Him or Her.

Once you understand people and believe in them, they really can become somebody. And it doesn't take much effort to help other people feel important. Little things, done deliberately at the right time, can make a big difference. When was the last time you went out of your way to make people feel special, as if they were somebody? The investment required on your part is totally overshadowed by the impact it makes on them.

Anybody Who Helps Somebody Influences a Lot of Bodies.

The final thing you need to understand about people is that when you help one person, you're really impacting a lot of other people. What you give to one person overflows into the lives of all the people that person impacts. It even impacts you because when you help others and your motives are good, you always receive more than you can ever give.

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