December 14, 2007

Leadership Challenges Part 3

This is part 3 on Leadership Challenges

8. Strained Family

When a Young Lion does something, they do it full-tilt-boogie (all the way). This can many times put pressure on the wife and kids, especially if the lion is used to living a college lifestyle; up early, going hard all day, up late, making stuff happen, taking all the little jobs. In the early days of a church, the pastor usually does everything, and the family may suffer.

9. No Margin

Everything is about building the new church, so exercise, reading, relaxing, dates with your spouse, close community with friends, and time with nothing planned become obsolete. Young Lions like to have every day packed with productive things to do so we can end the day and say “…that was a good day, look at all I accomplished.”

10. Losing The First Love

From personal experience, I can say that all of the creativity and energy that Young Lions have penned up inside their hearts and heads can distract them from the main thing; staying connected to the Vine. In John 15, Jesus made it clear that if we remain in Him, we will bear much fruit, but apart from Him, we can do nothing. NOTHING.

Young Lions must not forget that we are called first to Christ, not success or church planting or executive decision-making. He must always remain our first love. Just wanted to share a post with you by Clayton King founder of Crossroads Worldwide Ministries about the potential pitfalls and dangers "Young Lions" face in ministry.

Its been helpful hasn't it?

Interested in your comments


James said...

Hi Jeremy,

I've loved reading the last couple of posts about 'young lions'. I think they are some really key issues for people in ministry, especially the young but sometimes the older as well. I think sometimes we assume that age brings wisdom when it may not. To assume that everyone who's been in ministry for a fair amount of time will pick up on every one of these areas may not be true. Anyway sorry to go on just a random thought really.

I hope you have a great christmas.

Keep the good stuff coming.


Cat said...

Ooooo ouch! Can see a few of those traits starting to emerge throughout last year - the burning of the candle and the pressure to succeed - so glad I'm doing a lifestyle shakeup lol.

been great reading your ponderings of the last year - looking forward to seeing a few more - blessings!