10 Essential Leadership “Be attitudes”
Lead from what you know but you reproduce who you are
1. Be a person of integrity ·
The work of Christ always begins in our hearts and works outward · Same on inside as you are on the outside · Leaders are often gifted.
They can begin to depend on their gift for success, to the neglect of their character · Daniel was incredibly gifted, ten times more than the next most wisest ·
Daniel 6:10 – “… he went home and got down on his knees and prayed as was his daily custom.” · Integrity isn’t developed in a day, its daily
2. Be a faithful servant ·
Don’t serve to get recognized or for promotion · Everything you do in the name of Jesus is significant ·
Your service prepares you for your calling and your calling prepares you for your service ·
In David there was a 20-year gap between the prophecy and the fulfillment. This is called process. Process prepares you for what he has called us to be. If he made us immediately into what we would be we would screw it up. Saul – chasing donkeys and then king – it messed him up. God didn’t do that to David, he took him through process
3. Be passionate ·
If you don’t have passion you will be consumed · Psalm 69.9 – passion for your house will consume me … the joy of the Lord is our strength and the oil that keeps our motors running · The word enthusiasm comes from the ancient Greek word EN +THEOS meaning “inspired by or possessed by God”.
4. Be growing in grace ·
2nd Peter 3.18 tells us to grow in grace. Grace itself does not grow. We grow in grace · If we fail to understand grace, we try to earn favour with God. End up in mere religious works. Entrapped. We must come to the understanding of how much God really loves us and forgives us · Heb 13.9 says that our hearts must be established by grace
5. Be knowledgeable in the basics ·
Don’t need insights in the secret mysteries of the Bible · But we need to understand basics as well · Unity/Offences/Forgiveness/Identity etc– Who we are and Whose we are · We can’t consistently perform in a way that’s inconsistent with the way we see our self ·
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less
6. Be teachable ·
Read books · Talk with people further along the journey than yourself · Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind · The purposes of God being fulfilled dependent on God’s people thinking well
7. Be an opportunity taker ·
The righteous shall live by Faith · Faith is characterized by risk and adventure · This gets us out of the boat and out on the water · We need to shift from continually asking God what he wants, or what he wants us to do, and ask for the courage to do what we already know
8. Be yourself ·
Adopt from others but adapt to yourself · You are all Gods got, and you are the best God has got · He doesn’t keep a secret recipe up in heaven
9. Be plugged into God ·
Must be fueled by eternal connection · John 15vs 5.The time that you invest in your relationship with Christ isn’t preparation for the work, it is the work · 2 Corinthians 8:5 - “... gave themselves first to the Lord and then to others as was Gods will” ·
If your output exceeds your input, your upkeep will be your downfall ·
The Starving Baker represents the person who is so busy feeding others that he neglects feeding himself. Sometimes leaders put so much into the people they lead that they fail to nourish their own lives. “Their ‘talk’ is great. Their ‘walk’ becomes fake.” “They are spiritually starving … so close to food, yet never eating.”
10. Be surrendered to God ·
Nelson Mandela said our greatest threat is not so much that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure · To the degree that you come under power and authority will be to the degree that you are in power and authority · Luke 7. Roman centurion