November 4, 2008

Making Vision Stick-Andy Stanley

“Vision is a mental picture of what could be, fuelled by passion that this should be.” Vision always begins as a burden.

5 Things That Help Make Vision Stick

1. State It Simply
Memorable is portable. If you’re going to have vision that sticks it has to be portable and memorable.
People in our church aren’t asking stupid questions, they’re just telling us that we’re doing a poor job communicating our vision.
What is
the vision of your church?
If you’re vision is going to stick, it has to
be really, really, really portable & memorable.
What’s the one
sentence job description for everyone in your organization?

2. Cast It Convincingly
Components of Good Vision (Nehemiah 2)

1. Define the problem.
2. Offer a solution.
3. Explain Why & Why now?

Your vision needs to be the solution to a problem.

1. What must be done in the environment you find yourself in?
2. What would go undone if your organization ceased to exist?
3. Smart businesses have crafted themselves as a solution to a problem.

Explain Why & Why Now?
1. What makes this the time to do something new in that community?
2. The ‘Why’ & the ‘Why Now?’ is where the passion comes in.

3. Repeat It Regularly
Look at
the rhythm/cycles of your organization.
1. Spend the time when the most people are there to vision cast.
2. Discover those moments that are most important to cast vision and build it into your regular systems.
doesn’t stick, vision leaks.

4. Celebrate It Systematically
When you
catch somebody living out the vision the way you anticipated, you need to celebrate them – Celebrate the Win.
Stories do more to clarify
& illustrate vision than anything else.
Are you missing opportunities to
showcase the wins in your church?

5. Embrace It Personally & Publicly
Anytime you can illustrate personally your vision, you need to do it
because your people need to see that you are embracing the vision personally

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