January 15, 2008


So many blogs, books and seminars talk about "How to be a Great Leader" and rightfully so.

If we are going to see people come to Christ, we must be leading them, but what we as leaders often miss is in order to be a good leader, you must first have good followers. With all that is written about being a leader, this week I'm going to post a few thoughts on "Followership" (the counter to leadership!).

Anyone who wants to jumpstart in and offer a few comments before I start, feel free


James said...

Hi Jeremy,
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on followship. One sort of related thing I am passionate about is servanthood. I think that is the key difference between they way we as humans tend to lead vs the leadership Jesus showed.

Jeremy Sargent said...

Hi James
Good thought on servanthood
I will do a post on what i believe true spiritual leadership is.It involves many things,but the fundamental core is the attitude of servanthood.

Personally thats why I enjoy anything written by John Maxwell, He combines the practices of leadership with the principles of scripture

Thanks for your comments